The Live Healthy Salem County coalition is a county-wide group of community residents, nonprofits, stakeholders, and service providers coming together to address the health needs of Salem County residents. The mission of Live Healthy Salem County is to inspire residents to live healthy, productive lives by enhancing opportunities that lead to a sustainable culture of wellness.

The coalition has received funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s New Jersey Health Initiatives, focusing on building a culture of health. The Foundation is supporting approximately 20 coalitions across the state. “Our coalition is pleased to have the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and New Jersey Health Initiatives support for our small county in such a big way,” stated Alex DelCollo coalition chair. “We are learning from our colleagues across the state who are involved in the work of making improvements where we live, work, eat and play.”

While the coalition has been developed to work throughout the county, its first steps will be to do listening sessions of Salem City residents. These listening sessions will include youth, adults and seniors. “Our hope is to see where the coalition can support residents in their efforts to live healthy lives,” remarked Cheri Maurer, coalition co-chair. “We have a great cross-section of coalition members that bring expertise in various areas which will assist residents.”

In addition to the listening sessions, the coalition has two part-time positions for community ambassadors. For more information, please see the ad on the coalition’s Facebook page.